1corinthians (7) 1john (1) 1peter (1) 1thessalonians (19) 2corinthians (2) 2peter (5) 2thessalonians (1) 2timothy (5) acts (15) afbc (2) beatitudes (6) bethel (9) cccc (8) cecbc (22) change (5) christian-professional (5) co5 (2) discipleship (1) ecbc (10) ecc (1) ecclesiastes (4) ephesians (10) ezekiel (8) father (2) fcnab (18) fec (35) genesis (1) growing (19) isaiah (10) james (38) jeremiah (1) joel (2) john (10) keep-the-faith (38) kingdom (3) lordslove (6) luke (25) mark (6) marriage (2) meaning (4) missions (1) money (4) mother (1) nspg (6) one-foundation (5) pastor (2) pgmc (15) psalm (21) romans (10) rpcm (5) rpgmb (2) secbc (4) soar (3) svpg (27) tccc (5) tcccmb (14) triumphal (3) united (3) work-play (2) worship (7) wrca (2) zh (18) zion (20)

 1corinthians (7)

Work for the Glory of God
Work for the Glory of God
Singleness in the End Times
Singleness in the End Times
Singleness in the End Times
Singleness in the End Times
Styled in the Image of God

 1john (1)

Faith is the Victory

 1peter (1)

The Hidden Person of the Heart

 1thessalonians (19)

Sons of Day
Accountability with Hope 充滿希望的負責
Growing in Love and Purity
Accountability with Hope
孤兒,但不是不被愛的 Orphaned but not Unloved
Growing in Love and Purity
Accountability with Hope
Accountability with Hope
The Toil of Love
Orphaned but not Unloved
The Toil of Love
The Toil of Love
The Toil of Love
The Impact of Faith
The Impact of Faith 信心的影響
The Impact of Faith
The Impact of Faith
The Impact of Faith
The Father's Heart of Discipleship

 2corinthians (2)

Held Together
Boast of My Weakness

 2peter (5)

Wake Up!
Wake Up!
Wake Up!
Wake Up!
Wake Up!

 2thessalonians (1)

The Toil of Love 愛心的勞苦

 2timothy (5)

Preach the Word
Preach the Word
Preach the Word
Preach the Word
Preach the Word

 acts (15)

Salvation in No Other
The Fragrant Gospel
Salvation in No Other
Salvation in No Other
The Fragrant Gospel
Salvation in No Other
Salvation in No Other
The Fragrant Gospel
Salvation in No Other
Salvation in No Other
The Fragrant Gospel
The Fragrant Gospel
The Fragrant Gospel
The Fragrant Gospel
The Fragrant Gospel

 afbc (2)

The Fragrant Gospel
For Signs and Wonders

 beatitudes (6)

The Blessed Life
The Blessed Life
The Blessed Life
The Blessed Life
The Blessed Life
The Blessed Life

 bethel (9)

Accountability with Hope
The Toil of Love
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
The Blessed Life
The Prayer of Faith
Vessels of Mercy
Salvation in No Other
Preach the Word
The Fragrant Gospel

 cccc (8)

The Adopted Princess
Vessels of Mercy
One Body in Christ
Salvation in No Other
Work for the Glory of God
Singleness in the End Times
The Fragrant Gospel
Wake Up!

 cecbc (22)

Come, All Who Are Thirsty
The Prayer of Faith
Salvation in No Other
For Signs and Wonders 預兆 和 奇蹟
The First Sign of His Glory
Labour of Grace
Faith that Prays (10/10)
Faith that Looks to Christ's Return (9/10)
Wait (3/3)
Seek (2/3)
Turn (1/3)
Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith that Stands the Test (1/10)
One Faith (3/3)
One Calling (1/3)
One Body (2/3)

 change (5)

The Watchman (5/5)
The Dry Bones (4/5)
The Wanderers (3/5)
The Shepherds (2/5)
The Adopted Princess (1/5)

 christian-professional (5)

Play for the Glory of God (2/2)
Work for the Glory of God (1/2)
Work for the Glory of God
Play for the Glory of God (2/2)
Work for the Glory of God (1/2)

 co5 (2)

The First Sign of His Glory
Labour of Grace

 discipleship (1)

Decision Point

 ecbc (10)

The Hidden Person of the Heart
Finding a Spouse in God's Steadfast Love
Quiet My Soul
The Adopted Princess
Come, All Who Are Thirsty
Faith Without Seeing
Zeal for the House of God
Even Now, Return to Me
Boast of My Weakness
Styled in the Image of God

 ecc (1)

The Fragrant Gospel

 ecclesiastes (4)

Life (4/4)
Fate (3/4)
Wisdom (1/4)
Ambition (2/4)

 ephesians (10)

One Faith (3/3)
One Calling (1/3)
One Body (2/3)
One Body in Christ
One Body in Christ
One Body in Christ
One Body in Christ
One Faith (3/3)
One Calling (1/3)
One Body (2/3)

 ezekiel (8)

The Adopted Princess
The Adopted Princess
The Adopted Princess
The Watchman (5/5)
The Dry Bones (4/5)
The Wanderers (3/5)
The Shepherds (2/5)
The Adopted Princess (1/5)

 father (2)

For Signs and Wonders 預兆 和 奇蹟
The Father's Heart of Discipleship

 fcnab (18)

The Toil of Love
Compassionate Father
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
To Know and Be Known
Come, All Who Are Thirsty
Faith that Prays (10/10)
Faith that Looks to Christ's Return (9/10)
Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith That Stands the Test (1/10)
For Signs and Wonders
The Prayer of Faith
Vessels of Mercy

 fec (35)

Faithful in the Littlest
Cry Out, "Hosanna!"
Grace Victorious
The Blessed Life
Even Now, Return to Me
Salvation in No Other
Compassionate Father
Rescuer of My Soul
Net Worth
Preach the Word
Singleness in the End Times
Faith that Prays (10/10)
Faith that Looks to Christ's Return (9/10)
Quiet My Soul
Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
The Watchman (5/5)
The Dry Bones (4/5)
The Wanderers (3/5)
The Shepherds (2/5)
The Adopted Princess (1/5)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith That Stands the Test (1/10)
The Prayer of Faith
The Father's Heart of Discipleship
The Fragrant Gospel
Play for the Glory of God (2/2)
Work for the Glory of God (1/2)
Redeeming the Weekends
Labour of Grace
Wake Up!

 genesis (1)

Finding a Spouse in God's Steadfast Love

 growing (19)

Sons of Day
Accountability with Hope 充滿希望的負責
Growing in Love and Purity
Accountability with Hope
孤兒,但不是不被愛的 Orphaned but not Unloved
Growing in Love and Purity
Accountability with Hope
Accountability with Hope
The Toil of Love 愛心的勞苦
The Toil of Love
Orphaned but not Unloved
The Toil of Love
The Toil of Love
The Toil of Love
The Impact of Faith
The Impact of Faith 信心的影響
The Impact of Faith
The Impact of Faith
The Impact of Faith

 isaiah (10)

Redeeming the Weekends 將週末贖回
For Signs and Wonders 預兆 和 奇蹟
For Signs and Wonders
For Signs and Wonders
For Signs and Wonders
Wait (3/3)
Seek (2/3)
Turn (1/3)
Redeeming the Weekends
Redeeming the Weekends

 james (38)

Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Prays (10/10)
Faith that Looks to Christ's Return (9/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Prays (10/10)
Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Looks to Christ's Return (9/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Stands the Test (1/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith That Stands the Test (1/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith That Stands the Test (1/10)
Faith that Prays (10/10)
Faith that Looks to Christ's Return (9/10)
Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith that Stands the Test (1/10)

 jeremiah (1)

God's Compassion, a Mother's Heart

 joel (2)

Even Now, Return to Me
Even Now, Return to Me

 john (10)

Come, All Who Are Thirsty
Come, All Who Are Thirsty
Come, All Who Are Thirsty
Kept in Jesus' Name
The First Sign of His Glory
The First Sign of His Glory
Come, All Who Are Thirsty
The First Sign of His Glory
Faith Without Seeing
Zeal for the House of God

 keep-the-faith (38)

Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Prays (10/10)
Faith that Looks to Christ's Return (9/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Prays (10/10)
Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Looks to Christ's Return (9/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Stands the Test (1/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith That Stands the Test (1/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith That Stands the Test (1/10)
Faith that Prays (10/10)
Faith that Looks to Christ's Return (9/10)
Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith that Stands the Test (1/10)

 kingdom (3)

One Faith (3/3)
One Calling (1/3)
One Body (2/3)

 lordslove (6)

Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Grace Victorious
Preach the Word
Preach the Word
Kept in Jesus' Name
Vessels of Mercy

 luke (25)

Faithful in the Littlest
Faithful in the Littlest
Faithful in the Littlest 在小事上忠心
Is Money My Master?
Cry Out, "Hosanna!"
Cry Out, "Hosanna!" 呼求 "和散那”
Cry Out, "Hosanna!"
The Blessed Life
Faithful in the Littlest
To Know and Be Known
To Know and Be Known
The Blessed Life
Is Money My Master?
Decision Point
That My House May Be Filled
The Blessed Life
The Blessed Life
To Know and Be Known
Net Worth
The Blessed Life
Fire Upon the Earth
Life Security
Net Worth
The Blessed Life
What These Eyes Have Seen

 mark (6)

The Prayer of Faith
The Prayer of Faith
The Prayer of Faith
The Prayer of Faith
The Prayer of Faith
The Prayer of Faith

 marriage (2)

The Hidden Person of the Heart
Finding a Spouse in God's Steadfast Love

 meaning (4)

Life (4/4)
Fate (3/4)
Wisdom (1/4)
Ambition (2/4)

 missions (1)

The Fragrant Gospel

 money (4)

Is Money My Master?
Is Money My Master?
Net Worth
Net Worth

 mother (1)

God's Compassion, a Mother's Heart

 nspg (6)

The Blessed Life
The Adopted Princess
Come, All Who Are Thirsty
Vessels of Mercy
Salvation in No Other
The Prayer of Faith

 one-foundation (5)

One Foundation: Consummation of Hope (5/5)
One Foundation: Christian Life and Conduct (4/5)
One Foundation: Faith in Christ (3/5)
One Foundation: Fall and Redemption (2/5)
One Foundation: Creation (1/5)

 pastor (2)

Preach the Word
Preach the Word

 pgmc (15)

Faith That Is Humble (8/10)
Faith that Mourns Sin (7/10)
Faith that Demonstrates Wisdom (6/10)
Faith that Tames the Tongue (5/10)
Faith that Acts (4/10)
Faith that Loves Impartially (3/10)
Faith that Demands a Change of Heart (2/10)
Faith that Stands the Test (1/10)
Vessels of Mercy
The First Sign of His Glory
Play for the Glory of God (2/2)
Work for the Glory of God (1/2)
Singleness in the End Times
The Prayer of Faith
The Fragrant Gospel

 psalm (21)

Compassionate Father
Compassionate Father
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Compassionate Father
Compassionate Father 憐憫的父神
Compassionate Father
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Compassionate Father
Rescuer of My Soul
Quiet My Soul
Quiet My Soul
Quiet My Soul
Science and the Bible
Labour of Grace
Labour of Grace
Labour of Grace
Labour of Grace
Science and the Bible

 romans (10)

Grace Victorious
Grace Victorious
Grace Victorious
Grace Victorious
Vessels of Mercy
Vessels of Mercy
Vessels of Mercy
Vessels of Mercy
Vessels of Mercy
Vessels of Mercy

 rpcm (5)

One Foundation: Consummation of Hope (5/5)
One Foundation: Christian Life and Conduct (4/5)
One Foundation: Faith in Christ (3/5)
One Foundation: Fall and Redemption (2/5)
One Foundation: Creation (1/5)

 rpgmb (2)

Vessels of Mercy
Wake Up!

 secbc (4)

God's Compassion, a Mother's Heart
Faith Without Seeing
One Body in Christ
Science and the Bible

 soar (3)

Wait (3/3)
Seek (2/3)
Turn (1/3)

 svpg (27)

Sons of Day
Grace Victorious
Growing in Love and Purity
Accountability with Hope
Compassionate Father
Orphaned but not Unloved
The Toil of Love
Compassionate Father
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Cry Out, "Hosanna!"
Faithful in the Littlest
Is Money My Master?
Decision Point
That My House May Be Filled
To Know and Be Known
Fire Upon the Earth
Life Security
Net Worth
What These Eyes Have Seen
Salvation in No Other
The Fragrant Gospel
Preach the Word
One Faith (3/3)
One Calling (1/3)
One Body (2/3)
One Body in Christ
Wake Up!

 tccc (5)

Work for the Glory of God
The Blessed Life
The Prayer of Faith
Faith is the Victory
Redeeming the Weekends

 tcccmb (14)

Growing in Love and Purity
Accountability with Hope
Work for the Glory of God
The Toil of Love
Faithful in the Littlest
Is Money My Master?
Grace Victorious
Compassionate Father
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
To Know and Be Known
The Blessed Life
Singleness in the End Times
Quiet My Soul
Wake Up!

 triumphal (3)

Cry Out, "Hosanna!"
Cry Out, "Hosanna!" 呼求 "和散那”
Cry Out, "Hosanna!"

 united (3)

One Faith (3/3)
One Calling (1/3)
One Body (2/3)

 work-play (2)

Work for the Glory of God
Work for the Glory of God

 worship (7)

Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
Compassionate Father
Rescuer of My Soul

 wrca (2)

Held Together
Science and the Bible

 zh (18)

Accountability with Hope 充滿希望的負責
孤兒,但不是不被愛的 Orphaned but not Unloved
The Toil of Love 愛心的勞苦
The Impact of Faith 信心的影響
Faithful in the Littlest 在小事上忠心
Cry Out, "Hosanna!" 呼求 "和散那”
Compassionate Father 憐憫的父神
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
The Blessed Life
Redeeming the Weekends 將週末贖回
For Signs and Wonders 預兆 和 奇蹟
For Signs and Wonders
Labour of Grace
God's Compassion, a Mother's Heart
Faith Without Seeing
One Body in Christ
One Body in Christ
Science and the Bible

 zion (20)

Accountability with Hope 充滿希望的負責
孤兒,但不是不被愛的 Orphaned but not Unloved
The Toil of Love 愛心的勞苦
The Impact of Faith 信心的影響
Faithful in the Littlest 在小事上忠心
Cry Out, "Hosanna!" 呼求 "和散那”
Compassionate Father 憐憫的父神
Bless the LORD, O My Soul
The Blessed Life
The Fragrant Gospel
Redeeming the Weekends 將週末贖回
Life (4/4)
Fate (3/4)
Wisdom (1/4)
Ambition (2/4)
Salvation in No Other
For Signs and Wonders
Labour of Grace
Faith Without Seeing
One Body in Christ